How Do I schedule a room?

For ِ Android:

You can schedule your live audio room under Baaz Communities by following the below steps:

-You can create your own live room audio under baaz communities by following the below steps:

1- You can create a live audio room from Baaz line page by tapping on  , Or go to the Audio Rooms page by tapping on  .

2-Click on "Audio Rooms".

3- Write the room subject, then tap on the schedule icon

4- Choose the time and date you want for the room. Then tap "Schedule". 

5 - Choose the date you want for the room.

6 - After completing all steps the time and date, you will find your scheduled room related to the community.

For IOS:

1- You can create a live audio room from Baaz line page by tapping on  , Or go to the Audio Rooms page by tapping on  .

2-Click on "Audio Rooms".

3- Write the room subject, then tap on the schedule icon.

4- Choose the time and date you want for the room. Then press on "Schedule".

5 - Choose the date you want for the room.

6 - After completing all steps the time and date, you will find your scheduled room related to the community.

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