What is Hashtag?

The Hashtag is a label used on Baaz that makes it easier to find information with a theme or specific content.

Simply it is a collection of social media posts on the subjects that are currently most popular on Baaz platform.

You can write make hashtag by adding "#" before the word in your Post caption, Text.

You can use Hashtags in your content to categorize those content and help you to show it more easily in search. Clicking or tapping on a hashtag keyword in any content shows you other content that includes/relates to that Hashtag.

In Baaz, the Hashtag banner will be shown on the top of the Baaz explore page and it will be a slider to move between the top Hashtags.

Once you click on the Hashtag, a page will be opened containing the featured Hashtags and all related live audio rooms.

Note: Please make sure to have the last version of Baaz App.

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